This headset was part of a collaborative effort with production set designers of the 2020 American horror film Black Box, directed by Emmanuel Osei-Kuffour, Jr. The film, about a memory retrieval experiment that goes haywire, explores questions of consciousness, memory, and humanity. CICADA was asked to help design, print, and assemble a complex, 4-part 3D printed movie prop which resembles a high-tech virtual reality headset. To see the headset in action, forward to 00:48 in the film trailer.
This headset was created in a collaborative effort with production set designers of the 2020 American horror film Black Box, directed by Emmanuel Osei-Kuffour, Jr. CICADA was asked to help design, print, and assemble a complex, 4-part 3D printed movie prop to resemble a high-tech virtual reality headset that serves as the main feature of the film, playing an integral role in the film’s exploration of consciousness, memory, and humanity.